Andrić Zoran - slikar

Srbija Valjevo

The painter Zoran Andrić, was born 29th January 1960. in Valjevo, Serbia, he has been engaged in art since his earlu childhood.
He gained his art education at a art school of Novi Sad 1974. – 1978.
He has visits to the Louvre and Museum of impresionists since 1981.
His paintings have been exhibited since 1979. and since 1992. he has had continuous exhibitions in his own studio „Višnja“ in Valjevo.
Since 2003. he has for invitation art colonies both in Serbia and abroad.
He is a full time member of ULUS (Serbian association of Fine artists)
He has 23 independents exhibitions and ower 30 commons in Belgrade, Novi SAD, Maribor, Zemun, Novi Pazar, Podgorica, Gornji Milanovac, Šabac, Subotica...
His paintings are in many private collections throughout the world, in the National Museum, Belgrade (1996.) in the Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad (2006.) in Parliament of Austria, Vienna. (2012.)
Since 1996. historian of art, president of Yugoslavie section Inter etnik society of fine arts critikque (AICA), Prof. dr Katarina Ambrozić has organized and opened three of his independents exhibitions and for National Museum in Belgrade, with his solo exhibitions in Belgrade in 1996, suggests two watercolors - "Mill" and "Dragonfly"and to cataloques 1999. She writing:


Since this earlu youth Zoran Andrić has been amazed by the mill on the river Gradac in Valjevo. It represents the genesis of an ever-changing motive, vhich has, on the other hand, remained recognizable throughout his work.
The artist’s continuous dialogue with the river, made of light and colours of reflecting water mirrors, has created a commons relationship between the nature and the painter’s creative mind. Pleding for absolute independence of the painter’s vision, his expressionistic temperament tends to make endless variations of lirical abstraction.
On this way: from abstraction to experience, from experience to the realization of the vision, there is a meticulous elaboration of the well-known motive through various media techniques. This is how he made many of his media paintings: drawings, oil paintings, pastels and watercolours – all in honour of one particular landscape. Andrić’s recurrent theme is important to all his works and its realization observe of fine art and aesthetic’s aspect is a unique phenomen in our contemporary art.
As guest Russian’s home in Belgrade, Andrić present’s series of recently made watercolours – his favourite technikue, by which he is widely known as one of the best masters in our countru. These watercolours are made of abstracts transparency characterized by a chromatic balance of harmony and contrast, which leads to the creation of intimate poetic sounds. Each of the sounds has its innate rhythm which subtly dynamizes the surface, suggesting endless calm movements. The new paintings refer to a spiritualized strength poetic imagination, creating highly individual works, unlimited and infinite in their scope. In addtion, the tanqible lyrical sensibility permeates Andrić’s paintings.
From there the dialoque with a spectator is unintentional and subtile, but Andrić’s action is impenetrable at a first glance. It seeks attention, trust and observation and it is only then that a modest-sized paintingenriches the spectator with a multi-layered beauty of pure art.

1982. Gallery Youth Centre, Valjevo
1983. Municipal Library, Valjevo
1995. Gallery 34, Old Town, Valjevo
1996. Gallery NUBS, Belgrade
1997. Gallery of the National Mseum, Valjevo
1999. Gallery Russian’s Home, Belgrade
2004. Gallery 34, Old Town, Valjevo
2005. Gallery Old Town, Kotor
2006. Gallery of the Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad
2006. Gallery Atrijum, City Library, Belgrade
2007. Gallery Energoproject, Belgrade
2007. Gallery of National Museum, Valjevo
2007. Gallery of Cultural Centre, Lajkovac
2008. Gallery of Cultural Centre, Old Town, Kotor
2009. Gallery of the Town Hall, Valjevo
2009. Gallery of the Club of Diplomats, Belgrade
2009. Gallery Atrijum, City Library, Belgrade
2010. Gallery of House Đura Jakšić, Old City, Skadarlija, Belgrade
2010. Gallery 34, Old Town, Valjevo
2011. Gallery of Cultural Centre Germasogeie, Limassol, Cyprus
2012. Parliament of Austria, Vienna
2014. Grand Hotel, Valjevo


1997. Special recognition for the watercolour Blue at III Watercolour Biennale, Old Leaders Gallery, Zemun
1998. Award for the Best Tehnique, Oil painting competition Through Time, organized by the Spanish Embassy, Kalemegdan, Belgrade
2007. Third prize for the drawing No name, NUBS Gallery, Belgrade
ATELIER of Zoran Andrić in Serbia, 14000 Valjevo, Sindjelića street, across from house number 2.


Сликар Зоран Aндрић, рођен 1960. у Ваљеву у Србији, ликовно се изражава од раног детињства.
Ликовно се васпитава у новосадској уметничкој школи 1974 – 1978.
Посећује Лувр и Музеј импресиониста у Паризу 1981.
Излаже своје цртеже и слике од 1979. на заједничким и самосталним изложбама а од 1992. има и сталне поставке у својој Сликарској радионици „Вишња“ у Ваљеву.
Од 2003. учествује по позиву на ликовним колонијама у земљи и иностранству.
Редован је члан УЛУС-а.


Самостално је излагао 23 пута у земљи и иностранству и на око 30 заједничких изложби у Београду, Новом Саду, Марибору, Земуну, Новом Пазару, Подгорици, Горњем Милановцу, Шапцу итд.
Слике му одлазе у многе приватне колекције широм света, у Народни музеј у Београду (1996.), Музеј Војводине у Новом Саду (2006.), Парламент Аустије у Бечу (2012.)

АТЕЉЕ: Зоран Андрић у Србији у Ваљеву –
ул. „Синђелића“, наспрам куће бр. 2,
телефони: 064 32 36 152;
064 52 33 775,


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